You can use the same process for setup dolphin emulator memory card on your android device and we give a download link on step 1 where you can download dolphin emulator memory card apps for your android device or computer. if you are facing some problems in your selection then you can repeat all the above steps for setup dolphin emulator memory card.Click on the Browse Button for finding your folder which you want to use as a dolphin emulator’s memory card.Click on the Tool tab and select the Memcard Manager (GS) option. After that, Dolphin Emulator application window open on your computer.After that, if Dolphin Emulator apps downloading process completed, then you can click on the Dolphin Emulator application icon and launch your app.Download the Dolphin Emulator apps on your systems.Follow the steps to setup dolphin emulator memory card on your computer You can follow and read this tutorial for setup dolphin emulator. If you don’t know how to setup dolphin emulator memory card. Dolphin is an open source Wii and GameCube emulator that supports the. If your computer doesn’t have any memory port for your dolphin memory card then you can use your computer’s internal memory. Therefore, the 60 FPS patch is only enabled by default on the NTSC version of the game.